Study Guide for The Energy Detective

The following materials will help your students get the most out of attending your Energy Detective presentations.

A Word from Jimmy Ruff about seeing The Energy Detective (article to read before seeing the performance).

DREMC sponsorship version of A Word from Jimmy Ruff about seeing The Energy Detective (article to read before seeing the performance).

MTEMC sponsorship version of A Word from Jimmy Ruff about seeing The Energy Detective (article to read before seeing the performance).

Vocabulary List.

Crossword Puzzle.

Crossword Puzzle Answer Sheet.

Word Find – Easy.

Word Find – Hard.

Word Find Answer Sheets.

The Case of the Kilowatt Caper (a math problem story).

Mr. Reznick’s Kilowatt Caper (electrical math worksheet).

Solutions for Mr Reznick’s Kilowatt Caper.

The Real Energy Detective (article).

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